Code : 391358
Hydrangea Paniculata ‘Bobo’ PW
Bobo Panicle Hydrangea P.W.
A compact and robust variety, ideal for small gardens or beds. This cultivar forms a dense bush, with panicles of bright white flowers, which gradually turn pale pink as they mature. Regular watering is necessary to maintain good soil moisture, particularly during dry periods. A balanced fertiliser applied in spring will encourage generous flowering. This hydrangea is particularly hardy and resistant to cold, but it is recommended to protect the roots by applying a layer of mulch. Pruning is done in early winter or early spring, before new growth appears. Remove dead or damaged stems and cut off dry inflorescences to encourage new flowering and maintain a neat shape.
Height: 80cm Width: 1.2m
Sun to shade
Fresh, well drained
Flowering period