Lilium asiatic Tiny Rocket
Asian Lily Tiny Rocket
A compact and vibrant variety, perfect for small gardens, borders or pots. Its bright red, trumpet-shaped flowers add a vibrant touch to your outdoor spaces. Water regularly during the flowering period, ensuring that water does not stagnate. A balanced fertiliser applied in spring will stimulate vigorous growth and encourage generous flowering. This lily is relatively hardy and can withstand moderate winters. To protect the bulbs from severe frost, it is advisable to cover the base of the plant with a layer of mulch in late autumn. After flowering, prune back the faded stems to keep the plant well structured and prevent the spread of disease. If you are in a particularly cold region, dig up the bulbs and store them in a cool, dry place over the winter.
Height: 30cm Width: 30cm
Sun, partial shade
All types, well drained
Flowering period