Lupinus Gallery Blue
Gallery Blue Lupine
A vibrant lupin variety, ideal for adding texture and colour to beds or borders. Its large, light blue, cluster-like inflorescences appear in spring and early summer, providing a striking contrast to its green foliage. This cultivar is compact and well-branched. It is particularly appreciated for its abundant flowering and its ability to attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies. Water regularly, especially in dry periods, but be careful to avoid excess moisture, as this can cause root rot. A balanced fertiliser applied in spring will encourage generous flowering. However, it is advisable to cut back dead stems in autumn to prevent the spread of disease and improve the appearance of the plant. A layer of mulch around the base can also help protect the roots from extremes of temperature. A light pruning of dead stems in spring will encourage new growth and better flowering.
Height: 45-60cm Width: 45-60cm
All types, well drained
Flowering period