Lupinus Gallery Pink
Gallery Pink Lupine
A compact and vibrant lupin variety, known for its large clusters of delicate pink flowers, which bloom in spring and early summer. Its green foliage forms an elegant contrast to its vibrant flowers. This cultivar makes an excellent choice for borders or beds. It attracts pollinators such as bees and butterflies, adding to its visual and ecological appeal. Water regularly, especially during dry periods, ensuring that water does not stagnate, which can damage the roots. Applying a balanced fertiliser in spring will help to stimulate generous flowering and support growth. It is advisable to cut back faded stems in autumn to prevent disease and improve the appearance of the plant. To protect the roots from extreme cold, apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plant. In spring, lightly prune back dead and damaged stems to encourage new growth and maximise flowering.
Height: 45-60cm Width: 45-60cm
All types, well drained
Flowering period