Nepeta Faassenii Junior Walker P.W.
Junior Walker Catmin
A compact and vigorous catmint variety that forms a dense bush. Its aromatic, greyish-green leaves have a pleasant scent that attracts cats, as well as pollinators such as bees and butterflies. In summer, ‘Junior Walker’ produces an abundant bloom of lavender-blue flowers in spikes, which add a delicate splash of colour to the garden. Once established, it is drought tolerant and requires little maintenance, apart from a light pruning in late winter to remove dead stems and encourage vigorous new growth. Highly hardy and disease resistant, ‘Junior Walker’ is ideal for borders, rockeries or natural gardens, providing long-lasting flowering and attracting pollinators throughout the summer.
Height: 30-45cm Width: 60-75cm
Sun, partial shade
Well drained
Flowering period