Code : 1206534
Prunus Shiro
Shiro Plum
A variety of plum tree that produces medium-sized, very juicy and sweet yellow plums, ideal for fresh consumption, as well as for making jams or compotes. The plums are slightly tart, offering a good balance of flavour. This plum tree is self-fertile, meaning that it can produce fruit without the need for another variety for pollination, although cross-pollination can improve fruit production. It begins to produce fruit about 3 to 4 years after planting. It should be watered regularly, especially during dry periods, but avoiding excess water to prevent root rot. Pruning is done in late winter or early spring, before the vegetation restarts, removing dead or weak branches to encourage healthy growth and improve fruit production.
Height: 4m Width: 4m
Well drained, fresh and rich
Flowering period