Code : 1206534
Malus domestica Yellow Delicious
Yellow Delicious Apple Tree
A popular apple variety for its sweet, crisp and slightly tart fruit. The medium-sized apples are pale yellow in colour, with firm and juicy flesh, ideal for fresh consumption, fruit salads, as well as for making compotes and pies. This cultivar is disease resistant and produces a regular harvest. Self-sterile, it is recommended to plant it with another apple variety that flowers at the same time to ensure cross-pollination. It begins to produce fruit about 4 to 6 years after planting. Water regularly, especially during dry periods, avoiding excess water. Pruning is done in late winter or early spring, before the vegetation resumes. Remove dead or weak branches to encourage healthy growth.
Height: 5m Width: 4m
Well drained, fresh and rich
Flowering period