Lilium asiatic Tiny Parrot
Asian Lily Tiny Parrot
A compact Asiatic lily variety, prized for its unique and exuberant flowers. Its bright yellow petals, lightly edged with orange and red, take on a particular shape due to their fringed and arched appearance, creating a very original “parrot” effect. This cultivar is perfect for small spaces, borders or in pots. It flowers in summer, bringing splashes of bright colors that brighten up the garden. Water regularly, especially during the flowering period, but make sure the soil is well drained to avoid waterlogging. Apply a slow-release fertilizer in spring to promote healthy growth and generous flowering. This lily is quite hardy, but it is advisable to protect the bulbs from severe frosts in late autumn, by applying a layer of mulch around the base of the plant. After flowering, prune the faded stems to prevent the spread of disease and encourage new growth. Bulbs can be left in place if the soil is well drained or, in colder regions, dug up and stored in a cool, dry place over winter.
Height: 30cm Width: 30cm
All types, well drained
Flowering period