Lilium asiatic Sparkling Joy
Asian Lily Sparkling Joy
An Asiatic lily variety notable for its large, bright white flowers. Its smooth, delicate petals open in a funnel shape, offering a bright, pure visual, with a golden heart. This cultivar forms sturdy stems perfect for planting in beds, borders or pots. It flowers in summer and lasts for several weeks, providing a beautiful visual presence and a pleasant fragrance. Regular watering is recommended during the flowering period, while taking care not to let water stagnate around the roots. A slow-release fertilizer applied in spring will help support its growth and encourage abundant flowering. This lily is hardy and can withstand moderate winters. To protect the bulbs from frost, it is advisable to cover the base of the plant with a layer of mulch or dead leaves in late autumn. After flowering, prune the faded stems to preserve the health of the plant.
Height: 60cm Width: 30-45cm
All types, well drained
Flowering period